ArtRolinka Gallery & Giftshop 



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To felt a beautiful shawl or poncho is really a passion of mine..It still feels as if I am looking at the miracle of a butterfly getting out of it's cocoon when I enroll my wetfelted shawl and look how it became after the felting-process has taken place. Latest shawls are a combination of 5 techniques that I created and combine come to original results. My curiosity started after I saw a woolfelted shawl that amazed me by it's beauty and softness and I said to myself, I want to learn this some day!! Since then, I made so many colourful Art-to-wear!! and many women do :)   Here also many  excamples of nunofelted shawls, these are made by combining fabrics, such as silk to make one shawl by felting on some kind of natural base..





  In bridal wear I used sometimes chrocheted antique tableclothes, anything special to enhance the project!! Here an impression: